Big House Holiday Rentals Ltd - Grant Information
Who provided the grant
The grant was provided through the New Anglia Small Grant Scheme, which is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Description of the project
In order to support our growth plans we need to put in place a full integrated system which comprises of :-
Re-development and expansion of website functionality to include full integration with suitable CRM packages and accounting packages, including automated booking and payment functionality.
Also, the development of an automated ‘customer journey experience’ covering all communications, payment scheduling and collection, upselling of local-based services (such as catering, pampering and leisure-led activities). In addition, the functionality of the website will be expanded to include logistical and operational elements such as staffing communications, client and staffing reporting (of property issues such as damage) and also cloud-based controlling functions of items such as heating, lighting and entry systems, and also stock control and management.
Aims and results
With the grant funds we were able to achieve…
A New Website
Automated Customer Journey & Communications
Online Payments
New Marketing Strategy
Marketing Materials including videos, images and website landing pages
Support for social posting
Financial Reconciliation
Property Task Management
Grant Certificate
Cost of creation of website and CRM is supported by the New Anglia Business Growth Programme Small Grant Scheme
This is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund